
Around 10% of the world's total fish species can be found just within the Great Barrier Reef. |
When Anglerfish mate, they melt into each other and share their bodies forever. |
Not all fishes lay eggs. |
Fishes like split fins, surf-perches, and some sharks instead carry and give birth to live young. Scientists have also discovered that the embryos of some of these fishes actually consume each other in the womb. How’s that for creepy fish facts? |
The Sea Anemone looks like a flower, but it’s actually a carnivorous animal that eats small fish and shrimp. |
Fishes hear with both their ears and their skeletons, sensing the vibrations of sound in the water. |
Scientists even suspect that sharks can clearly hear sounds from over 3 km away. |
In three decades, the world's oceans will contain more discarded plastic than fish when measured by weight, researchers say. |
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined. |
Just how man species of fish are there? |
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined. |
Even Catfish are finicky |
Taste Buds ? Catfish have a more refined sense of flavor than humans. Our 10,000 taste buds may seem like a lot, but catfish can have as many as 175,000. This helps them find the exact location of their next meal. |
Fish have built in radar? |
Built-in Radar Many species of fish have a powerful sense organ called the lateral line running across their body. It can detect motion in the water, allowing them to hunt prey, avoid predators, and navigate in the dark. |

Apr 3, 2012; 01:15PM - Hawaiin jug trick
Category: Fishing tips and tricks
Author Name: Seamus
Tip&Trick Description 1:
I recently learned this from an old Hawaiian fishing
book a friend loaned to me.
<>When fishing for dolphin take a gallon jug attached to 20 feet of aid or dacron with a 2 ounce egg sinker sliding on it, connect to a swivel and then 6-10 feet of mono or fluro and a 6/0 circle hook.
<>When you start hooking dolphin in the spread, throw the jug overboard baited with a chunk of fish, squid or small live-bait, being careful not to tangle your trolling lines. As you play out the already hooked fish, inevitably another dolphin takes the jug bait.
<>This prevents you from losing the shoal whilst fighting the trolled fish and you also get several followers to cast to around the milk jug that you can go back to once you landed the first fish.
<>Use a gaff to retrieve the jug/fish through the jug handle.
<>Have tried it twice now and it worked like a charm both times, resulting in much more sport and fish on the grill.. Not sure if there are 'rules or regulations' against such things in the USA though.. |
Mar 5, 2009; 05:22PM - Meat Stock Cube Chemical Lure
Category: Fishing tips and tricks
Author Name: Mike Cobb
Tip&Trick Description 1:
This started off by being an applied science project in school linked to fishing for predatory species. I am happy for anyone to try it out. It takes some preparation but is worth the experiment. You can use it for river, lake or sea fishing from a bank, beach, pier or boat. Use the strongest line you have for dragging. Have a camera to get evidence of your catch.
First get your meat stock cubes – the red varieties are the best imitation of the fluids that leak from wounded prey. They are much cheaper if bought in the large boxes and cost even less if you can get them put on someone else’s shopping list.
You also need a pair of tights or stockings so ask nicely – particularly if someone is wearing them at the time!
Cut the tights/stockings up into 10cm (4in) squares and put them onto a flat surface.
Take the foil wrapping off of each stock cube being careful not to crumble it and place one centrally onto each square of the tights/stockings.
Tie the four corners of the material together into a firm knot – a test of your dexterity – you may need to use bigger squares at first and trim them up afterwards.
Then tie a length of line inside the knot of each lure bag leaving plenty of spare to attach to the eye on your lure. Store your bags in a waterproof and crushproof container.
When you are ready to fish attach a bag to the eye of your lure making sure that you tie the knot so that a used bag can be easily removed from the eye but cannot slip off during movement underwater. A pair of fine scissors will useful to do the cutting during bag changing. Dispose of used bags and line responsibly please – not into the water or onto the site.
Keep safe – wear a lifejacket if you are fishing on or by deep water. Keep yourself warm and waterproof. Do not fish on your own – it is safer with others. Let someone know where you are going and have a means of contacting him or her.
Feb 15, 2009; 04:24PM - Make 'Em Last : Save A Grub
Category: Fishing tips and tricks
Author Name: Nathan
Tip&Trick Description 1:
Make your grubs, curly tails, dingers, etc last by sliding the grub past the eye of the hook and then stick a toothpick/shaved wood into the eye and cut the ends. This prevents throwing the grub off even after a few hits. Also play with the cutting to change a lure's action. |
Apr 16, 2006; 08:39PM - Flashing stick baits for pike.
Category: Fishing tips and tricks
Author Name: Kasow
Tip&Trick Description 1:
When fishing for aggressive or active pike try using shallow running stick bait and retrieve the lure until it is about 10-15 feet away from the boat/pier. Then give it a jerk. The lure will create a bright flash that triggers the pike to bite. This technique works best in clear to mildly clear or stained water. You can try this for bass too. |
Category: Fishing tips and tricks
Author Name: C.E.GIONIS
Tip&Trick Description 1:
May 1, 2004; 02:24AM - In-Depth Spinnerbaiting
Category: Fishing tips and tricks
Author Name: Steven Narup
Tip&Trick Description 1:
When most people are asked, “what is a spinnerbait?” They will more then likely reply with this, “it has a hook with a wire attached to it, with a lead head and a silicone skirt, with either one or two blades.” The majority of the time they will automatically describe the clothes pin spinnerbait. Well in essence, there is much more to that. There is more then just that style of spinnerbait, this is what most people do not understand. Two other spinnerbait types are just as productive when presented in the right situation. These two baits are the tail-spinner and the in-line spinner. These baits are slowly catching on to the clothespin spinnerbait.
There are quite a few styles of spinnerbaits, including tail spinners, in-line spinners, and clothespin style spinnerbaits. Each style has there own time and place. The most widely used of these spinnerbait choices, is the clothes pin style.
Tail spinners can be a great choice when fishing for smallmouth bass and or finicky largemouth due to the bait’s compact size.
In-line Spinners became obsolete for many years by most bass anglers. Until now, they are slowly catching on to both Smallmouth and Largemouth anglers.
In-line spinners are a great bait when the fish are active but they can also be great when presented it other situations. Most people use in-line spinners when the fish are in a negative feeding mood, due to the bait’s smaller more compact size. There is one problem with in-line spinners, which keep the majority of people away from them, the fact that they will give you line twist. To help with this scenario try a high quality stainless steel ball bearing, this will cut back on the line twist. A ball bearing helps prevent line twist like so, when the bait starts to spin and twist in the water column the line will most likely twist without a ball bearing. However, if you have a ball bearing connecting the mainline to the leader, when the bait twists the ball bearing spins the line back so that the line will not twist as easily. If by any chance you do have line twist, let out a couple hundred feet of line into the water and turn your trolling motor on, this will get most of the twist out of your line. Another trick is the tie your line to a heavy object and stretch the line out by tightening your drag and pulling the line.
The clothespin style spinnerbait comes in many different combinations including blade size and style and different size heads. There are Steel and Titanium wires. The Titanium version is nearly indestructible, and needs little or no tuning at all. Titanium also lets off quite a bit more vibration then steel. The heads on clothespin spinnerbaits are starting to be produced with different materials as well, such as Lead, and Tungsten. Spinnerbait anglers are slowly starting to make the switch to Tungsten spinnerbaits, due to the fact the head is almost 3/4 the size of lead, making the bait work through cover almost effortlessly.
In general, spinnerbaits are a very versatile lure, which is one main reason why most bass anglers use them. Bass anglers have been using them for many years now and they still produce fish as if they came out yesterday, you just have to know the different ways to fish the bait.
Tail spinners can be great finesse baits and they can be fished shallow or deep, because the body of the bait is lead, with a little blade on the back. The majority of tail spinners come with a single treble hook, making them not as easy as the clothespin style spinnerbait when trying to fish through thick cover. To work the tail-spinner you can just reel the bait back to the boat, by doing this you will reduce the odds of catching more fish, but it does work. Instead, you should give the bait a little action. You can yo-yo the bait by letting the bait fall to the bottom, then pick your rod tip up to about a 10 o’clock position, just keep repeating this procedure unless you are not producing. On the other hand, you can do a combination of things, to give the fish something different to look at. You can yo-yo the bait during part of the cast, then reel, or twitch it back to the boat. One last way to fish this bait would be to vertical jig it, in deep, clear, cold water. This technique will work in different conditions, but works best in deep, clear, cold water. When you vertical jig a tail spinner you cast the bait out a few feet and let the bait fall vertically, on a semi-slack line then you slowly lift your rod tip and shake the bait, let the bait fall and keep repeating this process. I like to use baitcasting gear when fishing tail spinners, but there are times when you need to fish lighter baits and that is when spinning gear comes into play. I mainly fish Pflueger rods and reels. The rods are very nice they come with premium Fuji guides and a Fuji reel seat, making the rod one nice package. I really like the Trion Baitcasting reel because they come with five ball bearings, one roller bearing and a smooth multi-disc main gear applied star drag system, making this a great reel for mostly any type of fishing. The reel is great if you want to fish a lighter line, because you can set your drag and the drag is so smooth that when a fish pulls there will not be as much stress on the line itself.
In-line spinners have been around for over fifty years, and they are still going strong, Mepps has been in the in-line spinner business for a while now, and they still sell great. Most anglers do not use in-line spinners while fishing for bass instead they are using bigger in-line spinners fishing for pike or musky. However, I know they are missing a lure that can catch bass like it can pike and musky. I have had great success fishing in-line spinners in creek openings, where the creek empties into the main river, fishing for smallmouth bass. In-line spinners can be worked shallow or deep, they come with or without tails, painted blades or non-painted blades. When you work an in-line spinner, the best possible way to fish these is to reel them in. If you try to jerk the bait, you will lose a lot of action, because in-line spinners are not made for jerking. In-line spinners let off a lot of flash, and maximum flash happens when you just reel it in. When I fish in-line spinners I like to use spinning gear preferably the Pflueger Trion spinning rod in a 6 ½ foot medium action, with a Pflueger Trion spinning reel, because they come in a 6:3:1 gear ratio which will allow you to speed up the bait without getting as tired out. They are very smooth and cast light baits a mile.
Clothespin spinnerbaits are one of your more versatile baits in the spinnerbait family. You can work them quite a few different ways, and give the bait action if you desire. When I work a safety pin spinnerbait, I really like to use a Pflueger Trion Baitcasting rod, anywhere from 6-foot medium to a 7-foot medium heavy action. The 6-foot rod will help you when you want to make accurate casts, and the 7-foot rod will help when you want to get distance with your bait. With the Trion rods, they are extra sensitive high modulus graphite, which will give you the ability to feel the blades turn on your bait. I will throw the bait on 15-20 pound test Berkley Trilene XL. When you work a safety pin spinnerbait, you can just reel it in, but again you are going to be missing some fish. When I fish a safety pin style spinnerbait, I sometimes jerk the bait, doing this gives the bait sort of an injured baitfish presentation. You can also let the bait flutter down, then you pick up your rod tip, and repeat, doing this gives the bait a yo-yo type effect. If I am going to be fishing a spinnerbait in cold water, I will look for anything that lets off heat because this will warm up the water just a little bit, fish do feel the difference, and I will fish the bait around that. If the fish are just coming up and nipping at the bait, you may want to add a trailer hook for extra insurance. I will usually throw a spinnerbait with a trailer hook in any tournament situation. If the fish are coming up and hitting that bait and not taking it you can use a soft plastic trailer, I prefer the three-inch Bear Claw Grub from Bearpaws Custom Handpoured Baits. I like the Bearpaws grub because it comes with the scent baked right in to the bait, this will give you a definite edge on other anglers, because you will not need to use scent on the exterior of the bait.
Spinnerbaits are a great and versatile lure that have made a lot of many for companies in the fishing industry. The only thing I can that I can leave you with say is next time you go out on the water, I dare you to tie on a spinnerbait, and I know that you will not regret it.
To contact Bearpaws Custom Handpoured Baits please contact John Olsen at http://www.bearpawshandpouredbaits.com. If you are interested in any of the reels that Pflueger has to offer please go to http://www.pfluegerfishing.com
Jan 5, 2004; 10:17PM - Spanish Mackerel Tricks
Category: Fishing tips and tricks
Author Name: Tony
Tip&Trick Description 1:
I love fishing for Spanish mackerel, so I do it often. When I shove off to go fishing, I often stumble upon a very large school of mackerel, but sometimes they all don't want to feed and reject anything you throw at them. When this happenes, a good trick to get them to bite is to get them exited so they just want to catch what the think is a little fish just for the fun of it. To do this you would want to swich immediately to anywhere from a 1/4oz to a 1/2oz kastmaser-(like a spoon but a lot better). I make a long cast to where the fish are and as soon as that lure hits the water I begin to reel in just fast enough to get the kastmaser poping out of the water kinda like a fleeing baitfish. After it jumps out of the water a couple times keep it fast just below the surface. Do this at least 4 times during your retrieve and pretty soon you will have dozens of mackerel chasing your lure just for the sport of it until the lure bites back and then you get to have all the fun. |
Tip&Trick Description 2:
When you get those swarms of mackerel chasing the your line, sometimes your lure will come to the boat a little early and the fish will ignore the katmaster and just swim away. To prevent this you want to go to the opposite end of the boat, make your cast, and then maneuver the lure so it will swim parallel to the boat, instead of directly at it, taking the mackerel with it. You will be catching mackerel right at the side of the boat. |
Tip&Trick Description 3:
These techniques have worked for me many times and gotten me coolers full of fish and I hope they work for you, too. Good fishing till next time. |
Jul 30, 2001; 10:43PM - Trolling for albacore with rapala style lures.
Category: Fishing tips and tricks
Author Name: Matt
Tip&Trick Description 1:
I just returned from a fishing trip on the Fin Fever out of Newport Beach, California and was I impressed with what they used to catch the tunas! We used Yozuri Hydromagnums in the to troll for the albacore tunas. I am telling you these were the hottest lures I have seen in a long time! They removed the front treble hook from the lures to make removal of the lure easier and faster from the fish. After multiple double and triple hookups I am convinced these are the hottest lures around! I asked to take a photo of the lures so I could get some and thanks to the crew and their hot tricks we caught our limit (all we wanted till we were tired of pulling on the fish!) Great trip with a great group of guys!! Hope this photo helps.......Matt |