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5 pc segmented glide bait set w/box

5 pc segmented glide bait set w/box
5 pc multi jointed glide baits 4 inch 15-17 grams weight with built in rattles

PRICE: $24.99

California Freshwater Lakes 1 
Fish Facts 1 
Fish Identification Charts 1 
Fish Recipes 2 
Fish Stories 0 
Fish weight calculator 0 
Fishing Jokes 2 
Fishing tips and tricks 8 
Freshwater Bass Fishing Tips 6 
General fishing articles 0 
Knots to use 2 
Moon Phases 0 
New Test Category 0 
Rigging techniques 1 
Trolling techniques 2 
Weather in Cabo San Lucas 0 
[other] 4 

Fish Facts Vote which one you feel is true.
Goldfish can't close their eyes without eyelids. ? 
1 Puffer Fish has enough poison to kill 30 people ? 
A koi fish named 'Hanako' lived for 225 years. ? 
Fish can drown in water. ? 
Fish can see 70 times further in air than in water ? 
Fish in polluted lakes lose their sense of smell. ? 
Many fish can change sex during their lifespan. ? 
The goliath tigerfish can eat small crocodiles. ? 
There is a Jellyfish that could be immortal. ? 
There's a shark in Greenland that eats polar bears ? 
Where do you fish most?
Freshwater ? 
Saltwater ? 

Around 10% of the world's total fish species can be found just within the Great Barrier Reef.
When Anglerfish mate, they melt into each other and share their bodies forever.
Not all fishes lay eggs.
Fishes like split fins, surf-perches, and some sharks instead carry and give birth to live young. Scientists have also discovered that the embryos of some of these fishes actually consume each other in the womb. How’s that for creepy fish facts?
The Sea Anemone looks like a flower, but it’s actually a carnivorous animal that eats small fish and shrimp.
Fishes hear with both their ears and their skeletons, sensing the vibrations of sound in the water.
Scientists even suspect that sharks can clearly hear sounds from over 3 km away.
In three decades, the world's oceans will contain more discarded plastic than fish when measured by weight, researchers say.
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined.
Just how man species of fish are there?
As of 2020, there were 34,000 known fish species around world. That’s more than the number of species in all other vertebrates: birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians combined.
Even Catfish are finicky
Taste Buds ? Catfish have a more refined sense of flavor than humans. Our 10,000 taste buds may seem like a lot, but catfish can have as many as 175,000. This helps them find the exact location of their next meal.
Fish have built in radar?
Built-in Radar Many species of fish have a powerful sense organ called the lateral line running across their body. It can detect motion in the water, allowing them to hunt prey, avoid predators, and navigate in the dark.

 Aug 5, 2003; 10:29PM - Bimini Twist
 Category:  Knots to use
 Author Name:  Steve vonBrandt/S&K Guide Service
Bimini Twist Tip&Trick Description 1: Bimini Twist
Used primarily for offshore trolling and double-line leaders. A Bimini twist creates a long loop of line which is stronger than the the line itself. A Bimini twist is a simple method of doubling your fishing line in order to prevent chafing or to create the necessary loop in order to attach a wind-on leader. A short Bimini twist (up to five feet) can easily be accomplished by one person. To tie a Bimini twist longer than five feet takes two people, although it could be done alone with a lot of practice. This knot is a 100% knot, meaning, it retains 100% or the original strength of the line being used.

1. Measure a little more than twice the length you will want for the double-line. Bring end back to standing line and hold together. Rotate end of loop 18 - 23 times, by twisting it.
2. Slowly spread the loop to slide twists together about 10' below tag end. You want to spread the lines evenly, keeping the same angle on each side, so they do not wrap on top on one another. Step both feet through loop and bring it up around knees so pressure can be placed on column of twists by spreading knees your apart. It is easiest to learn the knot with two people so one person can hold and spread the lines while the other person ties the knot. Bimini twists over 5 feet long really need two people to tie properly, unless you have 8' legs!
3. With twists now snug together, hold standing line in one hand with tension just slightly off the vertical position. With other hand, move tag end to position at right angle to twists. Keeping tension on loop with knees, gradually ease tension of tag end so it will roll over the column of twists, beginning just below the upper twist. (as the line continues to spread apart the tag end will wrap back down over top of the twists.)
4. Spread legs apart slowly to maintain pressure on loop. Steer tag end into a tight spiral coil as it continues to roll over the twisted line. It take a practice, but avoid the twists jumping back over top. The twists should lay side by side and coil down nicely as shown to the right.
5. When spiral of tag end has rolled over column of twists, continue keeping knee pressure on loop and pinch the end of knot to keep it from unraveling. Put a finger in crotch of line where loop joins knot to prevent slippage of last turn. Now make a simple half-hitch with tag end around nearest leg of loop and pull up tight.
6. With half-hitch holding knot, release knee pressure but keep loop stretched. Using remaining tag end, take half-hitch around both legs of loop, but do not pll tight.
7. Make 2-3 more turns with the tag end around both legs of the loop, winding inside the bend of line formed by the loose half-hitch and toward the knot. Pull tag end slowly, forcing the loops to form in a spiral.
8. Moisten spirals and pull loops tight against main knot. Leave about 1/4' of a tag end when trimming. Keep practicing, it takes some time.
 Aug 5, 2003; 10:26PM - Albright Knot
 Category:  Knots to use
 Author Name:  Steve vonBrandt/S&K Guide Service
Albright Knot Tip&Trick Description 1: Albright Knot
The albright knot is most commonly used for joining lines of different diameter, for creating shook leaders and when Bimini Twist is tied in the end of lighter casting line. It is also used to connect monofilament to wire.

1.Create a loop in the tag end of the heavier line, then feed the tag end of the lighter line through it.
2. Bring the tag end up and over the loop to make your first turn.
3. Make a series of turns around all three stands, keeping it as tight as possible.
4. make a minimum of 10 turns, bringing the tag end out of the end of the heavier line's loop.
5. To tighten the knot, pull the standing part of the heavier line. At the same time, slide the turns toward the loop end.
6. When turns are in a neat position, pull both standing parts to make the knot tight. Trim ends.

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